2001-2002 Mini-Workshop Series:
Climate Change and the the Great Lakes Region: The Potential Impacts and What We Can Do
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Great Lakes Regional Assessment, and the National Wildlife Federation sponsored a series of 5 regional workshops to: *Inform concerned citizens in the Great Lakes region about the potential impacts of global climate change on their lives and livelihoods; and to *Explore ways to engage interested stakeholders in efforts to address the issue.
These workshops follow the release of a major scientific assessment sponsored by and conducted in partnership with USEPA's Global Change Research Program, in which researchers have found that climate change may have profound effects on the Great Lakes region.
The mini- workshop´s format included presentations by the researchers involved in the assessment, regional experts, and stakeholders from the community. Panel discussions were held after both morning and afternoon presentations.

Opening Workshop:

1998 Climate Change in the Upper Great Lakes Region workshop
Follow-up Mini-Workshops:
1. Great Lakes water levels; March 30, 2001; Chicago, Illinois
2. Fisheries and aquatic ecosystems - June 15, 2001, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
3. Agricultural Productivity - March 22, 2002 / East Lansing, Michigan
4. Forests and terrestrial ecosystems - June 21, 2002 Minneapolis, Minnesota
5. Winter recreation/Lake-effect snow - November 8, 2002, Traverse City, Michigan



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