Climate Change and the Water Ecology: What
Are the Potential Impacts, and What Can We Do?
Lakes scientists, policy makers, and other stakeholders assembled
at the WATER Institute in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 15 June 2001
to participate in an information-sharing workshop about water
ecology implications of projected climate change, as highlighted
in the Great Lakes Regional Assessment summary report.
meeting resulted in productive exchanges of current understanding,
and definition of current and future needs within the stakeholder
community. Interfaces were identified where climate and aquatic
ecological research could focus attention on topics relevant
to pressing issues of power generation, quality drinking water
production, and fisheries yield and quality. These initiatives
will require intensified investigation and integration of physical
climate forces with ecological and food web complexities.
participants resolved to sharpen research attention on a number
of mechanistic process links among climate, water quality, and
food web composition, and to intensify effort to quantify the
economic and human-behavioral implications of near-future climate
scenarios. Participants expressed encouragement that improved
climate and ecological projections coupled with continuing information
exchange could strengthen management and planning within the
Great Lakes region.
Agenda (html / pdf)
Speaker Presentations
Q&A Periods (Morning / Afternoon)
Workshop Report (pdf, without images)
Paper Report Available on Request
Invitation or Flyer (pdf)
Press Release
Others (ex. video)