land ecology
water resources
water ecology
quality of life

If our regional climate changes, it may:

  • Change agriculture in the Great Lakes region
  • Lower Great Lake levels
  • Impact shipping and recreational boating on the Great Lakes
  • Lessen lake-effect snowfall events
  • Cause changes in the lakes temperatures alter the food web make-up of lake algae (the major source of food for fish)

What can individuals, communities, and industries do to take advantage of opportunities resulting from climate change and variability? Explore our site and find out what our report can tell you about our changing climate.

The first Great Lakes Regional Assessment report was one of 19 regional assessments sponsored by the USEPA and coordinated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The Great Lakes Regional Assessment team consists of over 30 faculty, research associates, technical consultants, graduate and undergraduate students, and industry collaborators from around the region.

The US Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse any of the materials that are being shown or advertised at this site. In addition, the views expressed at this site are those of the Great Lakes Regional Assessment Team at Michigan State University and daunt reflect the views or policies of the US Environmental Protection Agency.