Region and the Regional Process
In the Fall
of 1997, planning began for a workshop that would initiate a relationship
between the stakeholders and researchers in the Great Lakes region.
The workshop was one of 19 regional workshops that were being sponsored
by the USGCRP. The workshop would address several questions, including
how climate change would impact certain sectors. Thus, a key piece
of information was knowing which sectors were important. While this
could have ideally been addressed at the workshop, it was decided
to choose broadly defined sectors beforehand and then let the workshop
attendees decide what aspects specifically within each of the sectors
were highly important. To this end, a steering committee was chosen
to identify the sectors that would be discussed at the workshop.
The steering committee consisted of people from academia, government,
environmental interest groups, and industry. Over one hundred people
from academia, government, environmental interest groups, and private
industry attended the workshop, which was held at the University
of Michigan during May 4-7, 1998. A series of invited talks ensured
that participants had some common knowledge as they divided into
breakout groups to discuss the four assessment questions and how
they related to important regional sectors:
- water
resources (WRES)
- agriculture
- water
ecology (WECO)
- land
ecology (LECO)
- economy
- infrastructure
- human
health (HLTH)
The discussions
from the breakout groups were summarized and used to determine some
of the more important concerns regarding climate change (impacts)
in the Great Lakes region.
Although the discussions regarding stresses and the impact
of climate change on those stresses were obviously sector-dependent,
two common themes arose from all sector-breakout groups. One was
that better models not just better regional climate models
but better coupled models of climate and streamflow, for
example, or climate and agricultural yields, as another example,
need to be developed for the region. Another common theme was that
stakeholders and the general public need to be better informed (educated)
regarding the potential impacts of climate change.
The choices for which sectors, and what aspects within those
sectors to assess, and what goals to accomplish was decided by members
of the workshop steering committee with input from the workshop
results. Identifying members for the Great Lakes Regional Assessment
Team with sufficient interest, expertise, and availability to address
the most important aspects proved challenging and in some instances
the choices for what to investigate were adjusted.
Part of the
Great Lakes Regional Assessment strategy also involved engaging
researchers from other institutions in the Great Lakes region. For
example, while the University of Michigan hosted the Upper Great
Lakes Workshop, and is the Central Headquarters for the Great Lakes
Regional Assessment effort, other collaborating institutions have
certainly collaborated. Because the bottom line of this assessment
is to get the message about climate change impacts across to the
stakeholders throughout portions of an eight-state region, it was
deemed advantageous to involve researchers from The University of
Minnesota (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota), The University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee (Milwaukee, Wisconsin), The Illinois State Water Survey
(Champaign-Urbana, Illinois), Michigan State University (East Lansing,
Michigan), the Army Corps of Engineers (Buffalo, New York),The Great
Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (Ann Arbor, Michigan), The
Center for Environmental Policy, Economics and Science (CEPES),
(Ann Arbor, Michigan), and of course from the University of Michigan
(Ann Arbor, Michigan).
All the researchers
involved in the National Assessment, not just those from the Great
Lakes region, were asked to follow some loose guidelines
regarding their assessment. One guideline was to use some of the
latest output from General Circulation Models (GCMs). Prior to the
mid 1990s, most climate change simulations by GCMs did not include
effects from aerosols, which people believe to be the reason why
the global temperature has not risen more rapidly, given the amount
of additional CO2 that is in the atmosphere. The presence of aerosols
effectively increases the albedo, and reflects some of the sun´s
energy back to space. At the time, output from GCMs that included
aerosols was available from the Canadian
Model (CGCM1)C,
and from the Hadley
Centre Climate Model (HadCM2). These models have
slightly different parameterization schemes for many of the sub-grid
scale processes. A summary of their temperature and precipitation
output for the Great Lakes region is provided on the Region
page. Researchers were encouraged to examine output
from both modelsalthough time constraints prevented many from
doing so. In the Great Lakes region, it was decided to focus more
on analysis of output from the Hadley Model, owing to the fact that
the Great Lakes were not included in the Canadian Model simulations.
Some researchers in the Great Lakes region did examine output from
the Canadian model as well, because of additional concerns. The
climate scenario output from the models were available in several
forms. Daily output from the Canadian model (3.75¡ latitude by 3.75¡
longitude) and from the Hadley model (2.5° latitude by 3.75
longitude) was available for sea-level pressure, winds, temperatures,
and geopotential heights at selected pressure levels, as well as
surface maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation. Climate
scenario output was also available from the
VEMAP (Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis
Project) process as monthly means and daily values at
0.5° x 0.5° resolution. The attraction to some researchers
for using VEMAP output stemmed from its higher spatial resolution
and more realistic (ranges of) daily temperature and precipitation
values. The VEMAP monthly means were simply interpolated directly
from the GCM monthly means. The daily values, however, were created
in a more complicated way. Rather than use the daily output directly
from the GCMs, the GCM monthly means were processed through a weather
generator program, that created more realistic daily variations
than the GCM could. Daily VEMAP output at each point was created
using parameter values that were climatologically appropriate for
that particular region. As a result, there was no attempt to assure
that the fields were spatially correlated. The VEMAP fields consisted
of surface maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, and
some surface moisture and radiation fields. No sea-level pressure,
wind, or geopotential height information was available in VEMAP
were also asked to consider future socioeconomic scenarios. This
consideration was less straightforward than that of climate change.
However, the strategy in the end was to make an attempt to account
for changes in population, landuse, and overall wealth when considering
the impacts of climate change on a particular sector. The socioeconomic
data was provided on a series of three CD-ROMs from
NPA Data Sources,
Owing to severe
time constraints, most researchers used an overlay approach for
assessing impacts. An overlay approach means that researchers evaluated
the impacts from climate change as indicated from (quantitative)
output from the GCMs by interpolating or extrapolating results from
previous assessments. The overlay approach provided a simple, efficient,
and accurate means to evaluate climate impacts from the newly available
model output in most instances. However, one fundamental constraint
of this approach is that the accuracy of the new results is inherently
limited by the accuracy of the old results. Unfortunately, there
was little time for a more fundamental approach, e.g., refining
existing or developing new impacts assessment modelslike stakeholders
had suggested at the workshop.
This report
has gone through an extensive review
process involving other experts and other interested