Welcome to the Michigan State University Soil Profiles web page.  
This page is intended to be a resource for anyone who needs an image of a soil profile for a class or another type presentation.  Managed by Dr. Randy Schaetzl, the page is housed on the MSU Department of Geography's server. 


Web Page Guidelines:
TO USE: Downloads are encouraged, and free.  We ask only that you provide the name of the web page in any presentations that the images are used in.  Suggested language: "Image from www.geo.msu.edu/SoilProfiles"

TO CONTRIBUTE: This web page was constructed because many people were kind enough to share some of their very best soil profile images.  You can help by sending one or two of your best digital soil profile images to Randy Schaetzl, the webmaster at MSU Geography.  Please consider doing this; the page will be better for everyone.  The webmaster has the final decision regarding use (or not) of contributed images. 

We will/can only use images that meet the following three criteria:
    1. The image should be a sharp, high resolution (300 dpi or better) photo of a vertical (or nearly so) soil profile.  Original digital images tend to work better than scans of slides.  Included in the photo should be something for scale, such as a tape, shovel or even a person.  If it is not clear what the increments on the tape are, please inform me of them.
    2. Included in your submission must be your best estimate of the classification of the soil (to USDA-NRCS subgroup level, e.g., Typic Haplorthod), AND a listing of its horizons, from the surface downward (list only those visible in the photo).  Please also indicate the location of the soil.
    3. In your initial "submission email," please provide Randy Schaetzl with wording indicating that you freely and unconditionally give this image to him for use on this web page. 
Clearly listed next to each photo used will be the name of the contributor clearly, unless they request to have their name withheld.

CONTACT INFORMATION:  Schaetzl's email address    Schaetzl's web page   MSU Geography


Alfisols - Inceptic Hapludalfs (2), Ultic Hapludalfs (2), Aridic Paleustalf, Arenic Glossaqualf, Mollic Hapludalf, Aquic Glossudalf, Typic Hapludalfs (2), Oxyaquic Glossudalf, Torrertic Haplustalf, Lithic Hapludalf, Mollic Oxyaquic Hapludalf, Typic Haplocryalf, Oxyaquic Fragiudalf

Andisols - Alfic Udivitrand, Aquic Vitrixerand, Pachic Melanudand, Typic Udivitrands (2), Alfic Humic Vitrixerand

Aridisols - Vertic Haplocambid, Ustic Haplocalcids (2), Ustic Haplocambid, Ustic Calciargids (3), Typic Calciargids (2), Argic Petrocalcids (2), Typic Haplogypsid

Entisols - Typic Udipsamments (4), Lithic Udorthents (3), Typic Torrifluvent, Spodic Quartzipsamment, Lamellic Udipsamment, Typic Endoaquents (2), Typic Udifluvent, Typic Xerorthent, Typic Torriorthents (2), Typic Torripsamment

Gelisols - Typic Histoturbel, Histic Aquaorthel, Typic Aquiturbel

Histosols - Lithic Haplosaprist, Terric Haplosaprists (2), Typic Haplosaprist

Inceptisols - Spodic Dystrudepts (2), Humic Endoaquept, Humic Epiaquept, Aeric Endoaquept, Histic Humaquepts (2), Typic Eutrocryept, Aquic Eutrocryept, Typic Dystrocryept, Humic Lithic Eutrudept, Lithic Eutrudepts (2), Typic Dystrudept, Lithic Dystrudept, Aquic Dystrudept, Typic Eutrudepts (2)

Mollisols - Typic Argiaquoll, Typic Hapludolls (2), Fluventic Haplustoll, Torrertic Paleustoll, Torrertic Argiustoll, Lithic Argiudoll, Pachic Calcixeroll, Typic Calcuistoll, Lithic Hapludoll


Spodosols - Typic Durorthods (2), Typic Haplorthods (3), Oxyaquic Alorthod, Aeric Alaquod, Entic Haplorthods (7), Typic Duraquod

Ultisols - Arenic Kandiudult, Typic Hapludults (2), Oxyaquic Hapludult, Typic Umbraquult, Arenic Plinthic Kandiudult, Typic Kanduidult

Vertisols - Chromic Haplotorrert, Calcic Haplustert, Ustic Epiaquert


Photo contributors: K. Buckland, M. Collins, P. Drohan, A . Hartemink, W. Johnson, B. Knapp, P. McDaniel, C. Monger, J. Riggs, P. Samonil, R. Schaetzl, R. Wilson, D. Weindorf, and J. Wood. Some of the images on this page have been contributed by, and studied under the auspices of, NRCS personnel.

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