Brent studies the interaction among the atmosphere, lakes, and land of the Great Lakes basin on climatic timescales. He has experience in running and analyzing climate models at both regional and global scales, and has worked with a number of various atmospheric and hydrologic modeling systems, including the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) General Circulation Model, Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), and the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) hydrologic modeling system. Dr. Lofgren received a Ph.D. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from Princeton University. One study, Brent is currently involved with, is the Upper Great Lakes Plan, conducted by the International Joint Commission (IJC). This study reviews Lake Superior outflow regulation operations and the impacts on water levels, flows, and consequently affected interests in the Upper Great Lakes system from Lake Superior downstream through Lake Erie. Brent spends his free time learning Bagua (a form of kung fu), practicing chen tai chi, acting in community theatre, or dog sledding in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
Brent Lofgren, Physical Scientist, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA, Ann Arbor, Michigan |